GIM: High Performance Teams, part II

This month Michael and I continue our discussion on how to build a High Performance Team.  In this workshop you will learn: How to Foster and Maintain Momentum With Daily Huddles How to Use 12 Week Themes to Make Your Teams Aligned and Cohesive How to Bring Accountability With Weekly Meetings and How to Address

GIM: High Performance Teams, part I

  This month Michael and I discuss how to build a High Performance Team.  In this workshop you will learn: Shifting Away From Consequence Management Toward Process Management Industry-Leading Team Alignment Strategies Proven Leadership Techniques For Team Transformations ​Strengthening Your Leadership Mindset ​Actionable Tips On Engaging Your Team Before The Execution Phase (before it’s too

GIM: Finish Strong

This month Michael and I discuss how to Finish Strong.  In this workshop you will learn: How to think about time and success like top performers do. How to stop the hamster wheel of the annual approach to execution that keeps you facing the same knife's edge between success or failure every year end. How

Train The Trainer Resources

Welcome to the 12 Week Year Certified Trainer’s site. Here you will find everything you need to prepare and deliver trainings, and lead the ongoing application of The 12 Week Year. Below, you will find trainer update notices and announcements. To deliver a session select the appropriate session from the menu on the left, there

GIM: Life Balance

  In this session of Greatness in the Moment Brian and Michael discuss the concept of Life Balance.  In the workshop you will learn: How the very concept of work-life balance sets you up to struggle. Why trying to allocate equal time to each area only results in increased frustration and stress. How to deal