The Official 12 Week Year Planner Is Here!
Accomplish More In 12 Weeks Than Most Will In 12 Months!
- Begin With An Assessment Of Your Current Situation & Capture Your Vision...
- Build Your 12 Week Plan And Connect With Your Why...
- Focus Each Week On What Is Most Critical...
- And Each Day...
- Gain Valuable Insights Each Week
- Keep Track Of Your Progress And Accomplishments
- Capture Valuable Insights Each 12 Week Year And Celebrate Your Year!

The 12 Week Year Planner
The 12 Week Year Planner is unlike any other planner on the market today.
The 12 Week Year is the most effective goal achievement system ever created. It creates clarity and focus on what matters most, and a sense of urgency to act.
And now you can leverage the 12 Week Year with this new, powerful planner.
90 Day and annual planning is outdated and doesn't work in today's fast-paced environment. The 12 Week Year is a fresh approach that eliminates the drawbacks of other planning methodologies.
If you're serious about your goals then the 12 Week Year Planner is for you.
Purchase options
- Single Planner: $39.97
- 3-Pack: Save $5.00
- Subscription (1 planner every 3 months): $37.97
- Purchase 100-199 planners: Save 10%
- Purchase 200+ planners: Save 20%
*Discount applied at checkout