Envisioning The Future

GIM Series: Confidence

In this segment of Greatness In The Moment, Michael and I discuss the topic of Confidence. As part of the conversation we show you the strategies we implement with our top level coaching clients to bolster their confidence and boldly pursue their biggest goals and dreams. These are the same strategies and tactics we personally
GIM Series: Commitment

Motivation will get you started, but Motivation will only take you so far. You need commitment to push through the obstacles that will inevitably show up. In this month's Greatness In The Moment series Michael and I go Live (virtual) with a conversation about how to make your commitments stick.
Leading & Shaping Culture
Fast Start Training for Teams

GIM Series: Habits & Routines

This months installment of Greatness in the Moment series is on Productive Routines. This was recorded from a live, virtual session Brian & Michael conducted.
Leader As Coach

Challenge Series

Set Your Start Date
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Fast Start Training

GIM Series: Back On Track

This months installment of Greatness in the Moment series is titled Back On Track. This was recorded from a live, virtual session Brian & Michael conducted.